1. The field is set. There are 18 sculptors. (the largest field here ever) 2. It is a split venue format. Half the contestants are at the Holiday Inn (to the South) and half are at the Outrigger Beach Resort (to the North) 3. The contest will be judged by a jury panel of not less than 6, and not more than 12 judges from outside the scope of sand sculpting experience. Mostly composed of artists from other mediums, a small portion of the panel will not be of the visual arts environment per se. This is by design. 4. Accommodations and meals provided for all attending competitors. Ground transportation for those arriving by air is provided after they arrive, as well as assistance for any who ask, with shovels, tampers, sprayers, forms, tools etc. CONTEST SCHEDULE: 1. Prior to Thursday, November 4, 1999,: Please verify the info returned to you by email with details about your stay here, equipment needs etc. 2. Pre contest prep & staging: Contestants should plan to have in place all supplies and materials tools, forms etc., ready to go by the evening of the 4th. Plot sites will be by blind draw at the Reception/Organizational Meeting. As soon as you know what plot site you are assigned, you may prep and stage your area at will. Your final staging area will be provided for as follows: You will have an area staked off to one side or the other, or behind your plot (but not on the front viewing side) that will run the distance of that side to a depth of four feet. This will be arranged after your stakes are placed in their final spot. It is requested that all your tools, gear, chairs, personal items, coolers, refreshments, etc., be kept in this area. It is requested that you provide for the security of all your possessions and valuables as the event will not be responsible for any losses. No security is provided for the night of the 4th however, so you may stage your area that evening if you wish, but at your own risk. It is advised to plan to prep and stage your plot sites early on the morning of the 5th. However, absolutely no work or prep to the sand inside your plot site is permitted before the start time of 8:00am on the 5th. Plots may not be wet down prior to the start time. You may stage and decorate your area (outside the plot) in any fashion of your choosing, so long as it is in keeping with a familial decorum as deemed appropriate by the organizers. If it is questionable please ask the director in advance. It is requested that the back left corner of the plot is where you display a flagpole with your country, state or province and city/town/or association flag. The front left corner of your plot is reserved for the sign provided by the committee that will have your name, city/town, county/region, state/province, plot number, sculpture title and possible event sponsor sign, and the peoples choice ballot box. It is requested that any artist that wishes to display their own sign or sculpture title board, business cards, brochures (personal or personal sponsor) pictures or portfolios please do so on the front right corner of your plot. 3. Reception/Organizational meeting: Arrive at the Reception/Organizational meeting by 6:30pm on Thursday 11/04/99. Site: Holiday Inn. Light hors d'oeuvres will be served. It is a cash bar. 4. Carving (sculpting) hours- Friday and Saturday: 8am-12pm. and 1pm-5:30pm. Total carving (sculpting) hours = 17. A mandatory break for one hour between noon and 1pm is in effect for both days. Lunch will be provided at each host hotel beach dining facility. Every attempt will be made to have lunch ready for contestants right at noon. Any special dietary concerns should be addressed in advance. 5. Group Carve: A group carve is planned in recognition of the sponsors on Sunday 11/07/99 from 9am-2pm followed by lunch. All attending Masters are requested to participate. If there is any reason you cannot participate, please inform me in advance. 6. Judging of the Amateur Divisions: Volunteers are requested from the Masters Class participants to act as judges for the Amateur Divisions. The judging begins at 2:30pm on Sunday. If you will volunteer to act as a judge, please inform me at the Reception/meeting. PROVISIONS: 1. Accommodations and meals: Private accommodations, breakfast and lunch are provided at no cost for the sculptors at the respective host hotels on November 5,6 & 7. Your plot will be directly in front of the respective host hotels. Friday night will be Pizza night at the Pelican Perch on the Outrigger property. Saturday evenings meal is TBA. Sunday breakfast and lunch will be the last meals provided. If you are bringing a guest, spouse or other family members they may of course share your room at no cost (occupation of the rooms must not exceed hotel policy), but you (or said guest[s]) must incur the expense of any additional food for them. All guests are welcome to join you at any time at any event function, but all breakfast, lunches and dinners, as well as any activities that may yet arise as optional, will be a pay as you go system for any and all non contestants. There are restaurants at each of the host hotels that are good and reasonably priced. Other food in the local area ranges from the fast food to the five star. The reception/Organizational Meeting (site: TBA) and Pizza Night at the Pelican Perch (on the Outrigger property) are open to all contestants and their guest(s), spouse or family members, at no cost. However, please register how many people you plan to have attend, including yourself in advance so we may arrange for the food and beverages accordingly. (oh by the way, Please register everything with me in advance) 2. Tools, supplies, materials, etc.: Keep me up to speed with whatever you need. And for whatever your needs may be, please, (say it with me) Register in advance. If anyone wishes to purchase any additional materials upon arrival, such as lumber and nails, to create wood forms, etc., arrangements can be made for your transportation needs to locate these materials. 4. Sealer The sealing spray allowed is to be based from Elmer's glue only. The white variety is preferred. This year, due to budget concerns, at least at this time, we are asking artists to volunteer to bring their own glue and any sprayers needed. Of course, glue and sprayers will be provided to any sculptors that ... you guessed it, -registers this need with me in advance. 5. Sand and water: The sand is not compacted. A pile of sand (less than 10 tons) is available to each entrant. Every attempt will be made to have the piles created in as equitable a fashion as is practical. The area allowed to create the sculptures in ranges in size from a minimum of 18 to a maximum of 20 feet on a side. The plot configuration of the stakes must ultimately result in a square not to exceed these dimensions (over or under). Once your pile is assigned to you, and AFTER the start time on Friday, but before lunch, the committee will place your stakes at your discretion. The artist may request that the stakes be placed relative to the pile in any one of the following three ways: 1. Completely surrounding the pile. (Pile placed anywhere inside). 2. To any one side or another of the pile. 3. In such a way as to partially encompass the pile within the stakes. Once you determine your exact size (within the allowable range of a square 18-20 feet per side) and after the stakes are placed where you ask them to be, you may not move your stakes again. You must pick your final size and stake placement before lunch on Friday. The orientation of your square and which way the front of your sculpture faces is up to you. If a sculptor requires more sand than the total of the pile provided, they may dig more, but only from inside the plot. The natural plane of the beach level may not be excavated lower outside the plots to acquire more sand. Sand that is not going to be used in the sculpture may be thrown out of the area at the discretion of the sculptor, but all Masters Class contestants are expected to begin with and incorporate a design that requires the use of approximately 5-7 cubic yards of piled sand at least, and any additional sand the artist may choose to excavate from within their assigned plot. Water will be provided. Every attempt will be made to provide plenty of water in equal amounts for each plot, stockpiled prior to the start time on Friday and Saturday. Hoses will be provided on site for the sole purpose of replenishing the stockpiles. Hoses may not be used inside the plots at any time. Your own additional water containers may be utilized as stockpiles outside the plot, but must be filled after each plots water needs are accounted for at the beginning. Any replenishing of water will be done by event staff on an as needed basis. If you call for water it will be restocked on a first asked-first served basis. The replenishing of committee provided stockpiles will take precedence over additional stockpile containers provided by the artists. Once a barrel or trough is begun to be replenished, no water may be removed from that particular barrel or trough until it is filled at which time the next barrel or trough in sequence will be filled. You get one pass at replenishment until all your (assigned) containers are refilled at one time before the next sculptor is serviced, until such a time as water demands are relaxed and allow for casual use of the hoses for replenishing water stockpiles. The committee will endeavor to have excess water provided for and stockpiled at the start of the show, but we ask your patience and understanding should the need arise. Other things to note: AWARDS AND PRIZES
JUDGES AND CRITERIA: The judges and the artists will be given the criteria outlined below to be used as SUGGESTIONS in both helping the artists design pieces (IF THEY SO CHOOSE) and to help the judges to reach their decisions on how they rate the entire field (IF THEY FEEL THEY NEED IT). Please understand that the criteria is not mandatory for either them or you to use at all. It is simply offered as a reference guideline that we all can expect they MAY refer to for the purpose of objectifying what are sure to be some close calls in many of the final placing in the top, mid and low range. For the artist as well, this criteria is provided as only a general suggestion of a direction to pursue in designing and executing the sculptures. THE CRITERIA SUGGESTIONS:
2. Questions the judges MAY ask of themselves as an aid to determine the rankings or compare sculptures to each other:
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